
Building on existing networks, this literacy-focused transition piece will support secondaries to identify and match interventions for learners at risk of struggling at KS3 

Key Contact:

Derby City

‘Supporting the Vocabulary Leap from KS2 – KS3 through Oracy’

Derby Academic Transition is a citywide project to support the vocabulary leap from KS2-KS3 through oracy and bridging the last 100 days at primary school to the first 100 days at secondary school. Please see the flyer for more information and to register your schools interest.

Amy Ford, our facilitator, has created a YouTube Video detailing the programme overview, timescales and commitment that is required from your School.

Drop-In Sessions for you and your colleagues to raise any questions or concerns you may have surrounding Derby Academic Transition are running weekly from this Tuesday 8th October at 3.45pm.

Tuesday 8th October, 3.45pm-4.15pm                          Zoom Link
Tuesday 15th October, 3.45pm-4.15pm                          Zoom Link
Tuesday 22nd October, 3.45pm-4.15pm                          Zoom Link
Tuesday 29th October, 3.45pm-4.15pm                          Zoom Link
  • Sign Up Form for Primary Schools – Click Here
  • Sign Up Form for Secondary Schools – Click Here

Nottingham City

Working with Nottingham City Council, CEOs and Headteachers to develop a consistent approach to practices around transition.

Find out more:

Nottingham Year 6-7 Transition Overview

Nottingham Year 6-7 Transition Activity and Booking Links

The transition portal supports the effective communication between primary and secondary schools in preparation for pupils moving to their new setting. Further information about the portal can be found here.

Key dates:

Friday 8th March 2024 – Primary schools to have completed the individual forms for pupils highlighted on the Early Intervention Indicator.

Friday 26th April 2024 – Primary schools to have completed the individual forms for all pupils.

Friday 25th October 2024 – The Transition Portal will close.

This is a one-day online event, where primary colleagues speak with secondary colleagues about their most vulnerable pupils as indicated on the Early Intervention Indicator (E.I.I.) form on the transition portal. This is the start of important conversations to support their transition.

Key dates: Wednesday 24th April 2024

Find out more: View the flyer.

Network meetings take place during the academic year and are there to provide ongoing support, important updates and hear from professionals in the sector as well as network with other schools and share experiences.

Key dates

  • Tuesday 23rd January 2024
  • Tuesday 5th March 2024
  • Wednesday 22nd May 2024

The survey is provided to secondary schools for students to complete and share their experience of transition. This data can support schools to reflect on what has worked well and areas of development.

Key dates:

  • 11th December 2023 – survey opens
  • Easter – survey closes

Find out more: Click here to access the Nottingham Transition Year 7 Student Survey.

The Nottingham Strategy Group has been created to support the development of transition for pupil’s moving from primary to secondary school. Colleagues will meet on a termly basis to support the effective approaches and delivery for transition.

Key dates:

  • Tuesday 21st November 2023
  • Wednesday 7th February 2024
  • Tuesday 18th June 2024

Resources will be available for colleagues working on transition throughout the year. Further information can be found here.

© Priority Literacy 2024 - designed and maintained by SDSA